Date: Fri 21-Aug-1998
Date: Fri 21-Aug-1998
Publication: Bee
Author: STEVEB
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Key Rock Road Residents Ask For Restrictions On Trucks
Key Rock Road residents have asked the town to restrict all trucks from
traveling on their winding, sometimes treacherous street.
In a letter to Police Chief James Lysaght, residents stated that a decreased
number of trucks would likely cut down on accidents. The street, which is less
than a mile long, is very dangerous, they said, pointing to three "very sharp"
back-to-back turns which all bank in opposite directions and are on hills. The
road is also quite narrow in some areas.
"I feel this clearly illustrates the hazardous, high risk, physical make-up of
the street," explained Paul Larsen of 25 Key Rock Road.
The letter was accompanied by a petition signed by 28 residents.
Key Rock Road, a connector between Route 302 and Hattertown Road, is not a
typical residential street. Cars and trucks traverse at all hours, especially
during commuting hours. Residents refer to it as a "cut through" road for
drivers making their way to Poverty Hollow and points further south.
The posted speed limit for Key Rock Road is 25 miles per hour, but residents
say many vehicles, including trucks, are traveling at 40-50 mph. Numerous
accidents have taken place on the road in recent years.
The selectmen are expected to refer the issue to the Police Commission, which
is the traffic authority for the town. The Police Commission would then need
to make a recommendation to the Legislative Council, the body responsible for
writing town ordinances.
Currently, the only other road in Newtown where trucks are restricted is Mile
Hill Road South.