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Date: Fri 16-Jul-1999



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Date: Fri 16-Jul-1999

Publication: Bee

Author: STEVEB

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GOP Committee Taps Candidates For November Elections


Andrew Buzzi heads a list of newcomers on the Republican Town Committee's list

of endorsed candidates for the 1999 municipal elections.

Mr Buzzi has been tapped to run for Karen Blawie's seat on the Legislative

Council in District II. Mrs Blawie opted not to seek reelection to a fourth

term due to family commitments.

Mr Buzzi is vice chairman of the RTC and is currently a member of the Public

Building Committee.

A GOP-endorsed newcomer of note is Sheila Stickles, who is seeking a seat on

the Board of Education. That seat became open when Charles Nanavaty chose not

run again. Also endorsed as a school board candidate was Earl Gordon, who

joined the board two months ago after taking over for Susan Hills, who

resigned in mid-term.

Newcomer Richard "Fuzzy" Simon was endorsed as a candidate for the Police

Commission. The Republican seat became open when Bill Meyer announced he would

not seek reelection.

Republicans endorsed for reelection to the Legislative Council are: Edward

Lucas, Chairman Pierre Rochman and Donald Studley from District I; Joseph

Borst from District II; and John Kortze, Will Rodgers and Brian White from

District III. A third Republican candidate for District II is still being

sought, according to RTC chairperson Marie Sturdevant.

Town Clerk Cynthia Curtis Simon was also endorsed and is expected to run

unopposed once again.

Rounding out the list of endorsed Republicans are Sandra Motyka (Town Hall

Board of Managers); Robert Matzelle and Eleanor Mayer (Board of Assessment

Appeals); James Boylan and Stephen Koch (Planning & Zoning Commission); Robert

Taylor (P&Z Commission alternate); James Reilly (Police Commission); Charles

Annett, III and Richard Kessler (Zoning Board of Appeals); and Timothy Cronin

and Patrick Mullins (ZBA alternates).

The Republican Town Committee will hold its caucus next Tuesday at 7:30 pm in

the Alexandria Room at Edmond Town Hall. All registered Republicans are

invited to attend.

Democrats To Caucus July 22

The Democrats appear to have the first selectman and selectman seats firmly in

hand, especially with the Republicans opting not to endorse a first selectman

candidate (see related story). The Democrats also seek to gain a seat or two

on the Legislative Council.

Democratic Town Committee chairman Earl J. Smith called the '99 election a

"good opportunity" to make up some ground.

The Democrats will conduct their caucus next Thursday at 8 pm in the

Alexandria Room. Prior to the caucus, the party leaders will finalize their

slate of endorsed candidates.

Council incumbents likely to be endorsed are Melissa Pilchard, Tim Holian,

Peggy Baiad and Lisa Schwartz. The Democrats plan to also endorse several

other council candidates in an attempt to cut into the four-seat advantage

currently enjoyed by the Republicans on the council.

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