Date: Fri 11-Sep-1998
Date: Fri 11-Sep-1998
Publication: Bee
Author: STEVEB
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Ordinance Panel Works On Sewer Rules
The Ordinance Committee of the Legislative Council has spent the past two
weeks preparing a draft ordinance to empower the Water Pollution Control
Authority to be the town's sewer authority.
The ordinance essentially echoes the town's 35 pages of sewer regulations.
They will become part of a town ordinance when and if they are approved by the
Legislative Council.
For the time being, however, the ordinance committee has decided to deal only
with the parts of the regulations dealing with money -- those rules that give
the WPCA authority to collect unpaid bills, charge interest, set fines, etc.
The rest of the regulations need closer study, according to the committee.
Legislative Council member Melissa Pilchard has expressed her concern over the
amount of discretion the WPCA has in its ability to dictate usage orders and
restrictions on usage. And while there is an appeal system for residents
opposing fines and assessments, there is no appeal procedure for usage.
"There is no appeal process for residents, except for assessments," Mrs
Pilchard said. "The regulations still say the public works director can go on
to your property and into your property at virtually any time. Even the police
need a warrant from a judge to do that."
The WPCA was established by a town ordinance, which gave it all powers under
state statutes to create and operate the municipal sewer system. However, it
did not give it financial authority.