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Date: Fri 11-Jun-1999



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Date: Fri 11-Jun-1999

Publication: Bee

Author: CURT

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ED INK: From Yugoslavia To Newtown

After months of anxious waiting and watching, Nasser and Hidajete Behluli of

Newtown finally got to embrace their loved ones who had successfully escaped

from the brutality of the Slobodan Milosevic's Serbian regime in Yugoslavia.

Over the past week, the Behlulis took 13 relatives, ethnic Albanians, into

their small home on Hundred Acres Road, filling their few rooms and spreading

their modest resources as far as possible so that these refugees would finally

have a place among family where they could rest from their long flight from


The Behlulis' unhesitating hospitality has been completely overwhelmed, and

their friends throughout the community are trying to act quickly to provide

what support they can to make sure these new arrivals in Newtown feel welcome

and secure, even though they are far from home in a strange land, trying to

understand a strange language, worrying what will become of them now.

Some Newtowners have already responded to the need for apartments, jobs, and

clothing for the new arrivals in Newtown. If you are able to help in this

effort, call the Congregational Church at 426-9024.

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