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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

T-Shirt Trump Chronicle For 2020



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To the Editor:

Born n’ bred in Pittsburgh, educated at Indiana of Pennsylvania, current Philadelphia area hometown, the Trumpeter daughter Amy created, had printed, then gifted her Connecticut Trumpeter mother with the following “Promises Made Promises Kept” white T-shirt (lest we forget Mom would add “Wollman Ice Rink completed on time and under budget”). The shirt read: 7 M jobs * higher wages for All.

Manufacturing jobs back to USA

US-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal

Funded Historical Black Colleges

Veterans Health Care choice

Tax Cuts for the Middle Class

Lowered Drug Prices

Killed Isis Leaders, Funded Military

US Embassy to Jerusalem

Built the Wall

Supports Law and Order

50 Hostages returned home

Operation Legend.

To vote is your vested right; very American.

Elizabeth Lincoln


A letter from Elizabeth Lincoln.
Comments are open. Be civil.

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