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Hit Hard By Isais? Check These Resources For Residents



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UPDATE (Monday, August 10, 2020): This story has been updated to reflect that the water being made available at three firehouses is potable.

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Within hours of Tropical Storm Isaias moving through the community on August 4 — leaving thousands of residents without power and some with severely damaged homes — Newtown’s Emergency Management Team announced options for residents who need to dispose of food, obtain non-potable water, and reach local resources if needed.

By Friday, August 7, Newtown Community Center was a busy resource and cooling station for residents. Director Matt Ariniello said just under 70 people had visited the center before 11 am, and the previous days had also been busy.

More resources available in the community are listed below.

Charging stations for cell phones and other electronic equipment and Wi-Fi access are available at the following locations:

C.H. Booth Library (25 Main Street), during daylight hours, additional seating has been set up in the courtyard to the south of the building.

Newtown Community Center (8 Simpson Street) and Newtown Municipal Center (3 Primrose Street), weekdays between 7 am and 9 pm.

Newtown High School (12 Berkshire Road), weekdays between 6 am and 9 pm.

“Be mindful that many residents may need this assistance; we may need to monitor and allocate time, as such your time may not be unlimited and we ask that you consider others,” the team said in its release. “Also, please bring your own device adapter and charging cable, and power strip and/or extension cord, if possible.”

Social distancing and the wearing of face masks are required at all these locations, and time may be limited for charging and/or Wi-Fi, depending on the demand for both services, the team cautioned.

Potable water is available at three of the town’s fire stations: Botsford Fire Rescue (315 South Main Street), Hook & Ladder (12 Church Hill Road), and Sandy Hook Fire & Rescue main station (18-20 Riverside Road). BYO containers.

Showers are available at Newtown High School weekdays between 6 am and 9 pm. Residents must enter through the lower rear “glass” entrance — drive past the main entrance and then bear right, toward the rear parking lots.

Dumpsters — for food waste only — have been placed at the Botsford, Dodgingtown (55 Dodgingtown Road/Route 302) and Sandy Hook main fire stations.

The Town of Newtown hopes to begin curbside storm debris pickup and removal of storm generated debris sometime on or after August 17.

Only trees, limbs, and similar storm debris from the August 4 event is FEMA reimbursable. The town hopes to complete the pickup of storm debris within a three-week period.

Property owners are to place all August 4 debris within 10 feet of a curb/roadside. The debris must not extend into the roadway. Roadway intersections and driveway sitelines may not be impaired by piles of debris.

As a matter of safety for both residents and crews who will be doing this work, residents are to keep at least 75 feet away from all crews and equipment. Injuries may be caused by flying debris or distraction.

“We want to keep everyone safe during this operation and complete it as expeditiously as possible,” the team stated, while also asking residents to check on any elderly or frail neighbors to be certain they are safe.

Anyone with special health needs or questions can contact Newtown Human Services Director Natalie Jackson at 203-270-4330 or natalie.jackson@newtown-ct.gov, or Newtown Health District Director Donna Culbert, 203-270-4291 (203-270-4200 after hours) or donna.culbert@newtown-ct.gov.

Important Numbers And Contact Information

The Newtown Emergency Management Team also reminds residents of the following emergency sources and contact information:

*If there is a life safety emergency, call 911.

*To report or check on a power outage call 800-286-2000, visit eversource.com, or text OUT to 23129.

*Newtown residents are encouraged to register for the town’s CodeRED announcements and for Smart 911, a service that helps emergency responders by automatically providing detailed information to dispatchers during Emergency 911 calls at newtown-ct.gov/emergency-management or 203-270-4370.

*Check the News tab at newtown-ct.gov. Residents can also register there to have notices automatically sent to them.

*Connecticut’s free information and referral service, call 211 or visit 211ct.org.

*First Selectman’s office, 203-270-4201.

*Emergency Management/Fire Marshal, 203-270-4370.

*Newtown Community Center, 203-270-4349.

*Newtown Human Services, 203-270-4330.

*Newtown Health District, 203-270-4291.

*Newtown Communications routine line, 203-270-4200.

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