Needed: Intelligent Dialogue
To the Editor:
The letter titled “Newtown Is The New North Stamford” appeared in August 2 Newtown Bee. The heading of the letter is interesting since I never lived in the area of Stamford referred to as North Stamford. I do think as I said in my original letter that we can tackle traffic problems in Newtown whether they exist on Curry Drive, Currituck Lane or The Boulevard. I know we can learn from the experiences of other towns. I don't think much will ever be accomplished through sarcasm, hyperbole, name calling, and confused responses to suggestions to improve traffic conditions throughout the town.
I think that some of the things being circulated on social media and the attempts to harass residents who live on Queen Street are not only unethical but in some cases illegal. We wonder where youngsters get the idea that such behavior is appropriate. Be that as it may, I once again repeat that we need to have intelligent dialogue to find solutions to issues whether they are traffic or other problems that effect the town of Newtown. Maybe at some point we can move forward I know that the police commission is willing to listen and our town government has certainly demonstrated its ability to deal with complex and difficult issues.
Let's take a deep breath and try to work together. I am sure we are better than the inappropriate comments presented by some in the paper and online.
John S. Boccuzzi Sr.
Queen Street, Newtown August 7, 2013