Master Plan Not Cast In Stone
Master Plan Not Cast In Stone
To the Editor:
There are two reasons why I am writing this letter.
First, I want to commend Larry Haskel for his recent letters. It was a pleasure to read something so sensibly positive; and from someone who might well have used the opportunity to initiate his own crusade for a greater number of playing fields. Who would know that need better than the chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Yet Mr Haskel indicated his strong support for the master plan to be voted on by referendum.
A negative vote might well result in reactivating the committee or the appointment of a new one to then repeat the whole process.
Second, I would like to address the proposed economic development aspect contained in the plan.
The Economic Development Commission and I as chairman agree with the committeeâs decision to include only a moderate amount of commercial enterprise. It advocates and supports the master plan proposal of some acceptable business which would not only pay its own way but through taxation would help defray expenses incurred by the townâs own use of some of the property.
In conclusion, I would like to affirm Larry Haskelâs point of view. The plan was devised by a group of Newtown citizens who worked long and hard and after listening to all who wished to be heard, put together what they believed to be a plan in the best interests of the whole community.
It is not cast in stone and as time goes by and circumstances indicate, a revision may be needed. At that time, responsible citizens will make the appropriate changes. There has been enough discussion (over a decade). Letâs vote Yes on the plan. It is time to move on to the next phase.
Win Ballard
5 Papoose Hill Road, Newtown                                August 5, 2003