Back-To-School Bargain Hunting
Back-To-School Bargain Hunting
   According to The Dollar Stretcher, Incorporated, an online company dedicated to providing money-savings strategies for consumers, the average family spends about $2,000 every year on clothes.
With the back-to-school season in full swing, there are numerous suggestions for bargain hunters to trim their back-so-school spending budget. Among the most effective:
*Hand-Me-Downs â Take everything that is offered to you, and you may find that you can get a lot of clothing this way. Pass on, resell, or send clothing you do not find usable to your local Salvation Army or Goodwill.
*Tag Sales â Where else can you find clothes for $1 or less?
*Thrift Stores â Check out frequent half-price sales on weekends to get the best deals, such as the Fashion Exchange (109 South Main Street, 270-0354).
*Consignment/Resale Shops â Prices are a quarter- to one-half off regular retail, but the quality is often like new! Take advantage of sale days and coupons.
*Retail Stores â Buy off-season, perhaps a few weeks after school begins, and only when you need something specific.
*Discount Stores â Hunt for deals at Wal-Mart, Kmart, TG Max, Target, Marshallâs, and other large-scale discount department stores.
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