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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Poetry, Found



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The bards’ sapience had supplied the world sea

With epics of mortals and gods from old myth.

Melodic words rippled in poetry’s pith,

Arriving on shore next to Cynic’s bent knee.

He cupped up some water, and tried to agree

With virtuous verses by lyrical smiths—

To fathom the crux, need he climb monoliths?

Alas, he found poetry tough on esprit.

But through salty drops, a relative part

Gave meaning, then as if on cue,

One verse, unabridged, undiluted, and true,

Revealed its intentions inside of his heart.

He walked up the sea cliff with poetry’s key,

Then Cynic dove in and became Devotee.

—Lauren Clifford


Read more about Clifford here.

Lauren Clifford speaks during a ceremony to formally rename the Church Hill Road-I 84 overpass in memory of Sandy Hook Fire Chief Bill Halstead. The July 20 event was less than a week after her formal appointment. —Bee Photo, Glass
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