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NHS Class Of 1999 Reunion Upcoming



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NHS Class Of 1999

Reunion Upcoming

Reunion Committee members Marissa Miller, Evin Liljengren, Kate Schwerin, Jen Swiatowicz and Jaime Ryan, and their fellow Newtown High School classmates will be at the classes’ tenth reunion on September 12.

The reunion will be held at Captain’s Cove Seaport, 1 Bostwick Ave, Bridgeport, from 6 until 9 pm. Significant others are welcome. Tickets for the event cost $45 and include hot and cold appetizers, an open bar (beer, wine and soda) and music.

Prepaying for attendance can be done using a PayPal account to pay with credit card by going to www.paypal.com and click on the “Send Money” tab. A drop down menu will appear to select the method of payment, and use kateschwerin@yahoo.com as the email address and follow prompts to submit your payment directly to Kate Schwerin.

Checks can also be made payable to “Class of 1999” and mailed to Evin Liljengran at 15 Split Rock Road, Newtown CT 06470.

RSVP no later than August 24.

 For more information, register on the NHS alumni website at http://www.alumniclass.com/newtown, or join the reunion Facebook page through Marisa Miller’s page.

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