Hike To Beat The Heat
Hike To Beat The Heat
WESTON â To celebrate the last weeks of summer, The Nature Conservancy invites the public to a cool, early-morning hike with options.
The first part of the hike will travel approximately three miles through the woods and beside a river. Those interested in adding more miles to their repertoire can participate in an extended guided tour of another three miles at the end of the first session. Participants should bring water and a snack lunch, regardless of which course they select.
The phased hike is scheduled for Sunday, August 19, from 9 to 11 am or to 1 pm, depending on the option chosen. It will be at The Nature Conservancyâs Devilâs Den Preserve, a 1,756-acre wooded nature preserve within the Conservancyâs Saugatuck Forest Lands project area. The preserve is located on the Weston/Redding border, with a main entrance at the end of Pent Road in Weston.
The hike leaders will be natural history guides Dorothy Abrams and Gary Lupienski.
There is no charge or the program, but reservations are required. Interested participants should call the Devilâs Den office at 203-226-4991 weekdays between 9 am and 5 pm for registration or further information.