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Restore Our Founding Principles



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Restore Our Founding Principles

To the Editor:

Why do liberals dismantle what the Founding Fathers gave us, take away our freedoms, believe non-incented bureaucrats will do a better job running our lives than the citizenry will, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary?

Progressives, aka socialists, liberals, globalists, communists, have been undermining the foundation of the United States as established by the Founding Fathers for more than 100 years. Progressives have done extensive damage to our individual liberties, the rule of law and our economic and military strength. In the election of 2008, a perfect storm of voter fraud, a compliant press, a largely compliant Congress and a charismatic, radical, Marxist, gave us the election of Barack Obama, concurrent with socialist majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives.

Since taking office, the socialists in Congress and the White House have caused harm at an unprecedented rate to the limited government that brought the US to world prominence. Presently, we face unsustainable debt levels that are crippling our economy. The grand total of US liabilities has reached 130–140 trillion dollars. Rather than curbing spending, the ruling class legislates incomprehensibly complex, expensive laws, conferring to themselves greater and greater power and eroding our freedoms. Their actions are immoral, unfair, imprudent, dangerous. They generate a growing anti-American structure that will soon destroy this country.

It’s evident to any thinking person America’s in crisis today. The Constitution is hanging by a thread in a Supreme Court that barely upheld (5-4) the Second Amendment in a recent ruling (McDonald v Chicago). We’re governed by a massive, destructive bureaucracy populated by a self-serving ruling class. Progressives claim otherwise, believing their enlightened, secular worldview is building the utopia they envision. They have given us one Ponzi scheme after another over the years and they have all become insolvent.  Their expensive, foolish programs fail as they predictably run out of other people’s money, to paraphrase Margaret Thatcher.

The Newtown Bee allocates much news print and paper to our community’s debate of budgetary issues, especially education funding. Newtowners get their knickers in a bunch over a million dollars in education funding, or the wrong municipal program being added to or deleted from the town budget.  Yet Newtown barely reaches 50 percent voter turnout. For a town as affluent as Newtown, this is pathetic.

Connecticut primaries are scheduled for August 10, in advance of the general election on November 2. This election cycle may truly be this country’s last chance at stopping the fiscal and cultural freight train Team Obama is driving right off a cliff. If you love your country, educate yourself about the US Constitution and how anticonstitutional Washington, D.C., has become. Return America to its founding principals by replacing the morons we’ve sent to DC with responsible, accountable, America-loving Constitutionalists.

If we leave the incumbents in office, the decline of the US is an accelerating certainty. On August 10 and November 2, vote to restore our founding principles!

Brendan Duffy

4 Chestnut Knoll Drive, Sandy Hook                          August 3, 2010

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