Story Hurt Security Effort
Story Hurt Security Effort
To the Editor:
I have been on the security force at Fairfield Hills hospital for the past four years. The article in The Bee by John Voket, âGhost Chasers and Thrill Seekers,â poses a great disservice to the security effort. All that article does is wet the appetite for anyone to break in and explore, not only that but with website addresses, making it that more accessible to the curious.
Also some info on the Norwich Hospital sale by the state; all three bids by developers have been rejected. Now the state is offering (giving) the towns of Preston and Norwich the site for one dollar each for a total of 800 acres. The estimated cost of cleanup is up to $40 million just for the campus area. What will the cost to Newtown be? Do we need a bunch of new ball fields and all that entails (tearing down buildings, getting rid of contaminated materials and soil and constructing ball fields and maintaining them); we have enough ball fields throughout the town now. Enough is enough.
Edward OâNeill
Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook                                      August 2, 2004