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Easy, Cheap Politics



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Easy, Cheap Politics

To the Editor:

I am surrounded by the ugly side of politics. On the federal level, Tim Geithner, who has been praised by both parties for his handling of our on-going federal economic crisis, is now being vilified by those same politicians for saying August 2 is when the federal government will run out of money. Why? Because Geithner’s position makes it tougher for these politicians to pretend the debt ceiling is unimportant. As is common in politics, when you don’t like the message, you shoot the messenger.

Now here in Newtown, the old guard body-politic is now shooting at Ron Bienkowski for saying we can save $500,000 in the first year by selecting a different bus company. He has been praised on numerous occasions in the past for saving our town money in the school budget. Now The Bee calls him a “hired hand” [“Newtown’s ‘Feelings’ About The Owner Operators,” 7/29/11] and Mary Ann Jacob vilifies him for advocating the saving of money within the school budget. His only crime is the bidding out of our bus contract which has not been put out to bid in decades. When you don’t like the message, you shoot the messenger.

This is easy, cheap politics because Mr Bienkowski, who works for the town, cannot defend himself. He can’t object to Ms Jacobs or The Bee for the cheap shot they have taken. Ms Jacob, as a member of the Legislative Council, is the boss of his boss! As an employee of the town, all he can do is try to do what he has always done, which is to try to do more for our schools with less money.

So what has Mr Bienkowski done that requires this vilification? He has clearly and factually stated that if we go with another bidder, Newtown will save approximately $500,000 this coming budget year on transportation. Over five years, Newtown could save $1.5 million.

Newtown just this week laid off 18 educational assistants and reduced the hours of 17 more EAs. Last year we cut seven teachers and 12 EAs. We have cut a music teacher, a world language teacher, and a PE teacher.

Think of all the programs that have been cut over the years within our schools. This savings could bring back a late bus. This could lower the cost of parents paying for after school programs. This would help pay for full-day kindergarten. This could bring back laid off  teachers and educational assistants. This could help return our high school to “blue ribbon status.”

But no. Instead, the same politicians who keep cutting the school budget these last few years are now advocating paying a premium for school transportation! That I do not understand.

We have a contract that has never been put up for bid. We have a school transportation system that is one of the most expensive in the state on a per student basis. How can The Bee call the status quo the best solution?

Charles Hepp

4 Winter Ridge Road, Sandy Hook                              August 1, 2011

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