Saturday, August 12
Saturday, August 12
Annie by Summer Theatre Connection, performances 2 and 8 pm, Newtown High School, 12 Berkshire Road, all matinee tickets $5, evening seats $12 adults, $6 students and senior citizens; 426-1787.
Chicken Barbecue, 5-7:30 pm, Newtown United Methodist Church, $8 adults, $7 seniors, $4 children, chicken, corn on cob, choice of salads, dessert bar, proceeds fund youth program and church projects.
Sunday, August 13
Housatonic Habitat for Humanity home dedication ceremony, 2 pm, 69 Philo Curtis Road, public invited; 431-1392.
 Tuesday, August 15
Economic Development Commission, 7:30 pm, multipurpose center, Riverside Rd, Sandy Hook.
Parks and Recreation Commission, 7:30 pm, town offices, Canaan House, Fairfield Hills.
Wednesday, August 16
Chamber of Commerce Open House, 6-8 pm, Community Health Associates, 54 South Main Street, free (but reservations requested), open to members, non-members, and anyone interested in joining Chamber, presentations on holistic and alternative medicine, staying physically fit, and the role of nurse practitioner, free chair massages, refreshments; 426-2695.
Legislative Council, 8 pm, Booth Library, 25 Main Street.
Thursday, August 17
Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:30 pm, town land use office, Canaan House, Fairfield Hills.
Friday, August 18
Concert by Treblehook, 7 pm, C.H. Booth Library back lawn, 25 Main Street, free outdoor concert by local trio with recently-released CD (Hooked), part of libraryâs Summer Concert Series, picnics welcome, in libraryâs meeting room if inclement weather; 426-4533.
Saturday, August 19
Musicon 2000, 7 pm, Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street, freewill offerings, performance by 60-voice choral ensemble of high school students from across CT will perform original musical Never Alone; 426-9024.
Monday, August 21
CT Choral Society Sing-In, registration 7 pm, singing 7:30-9:30 pm, St Rose Church, 46 Church Hill Road, $5, anyone interested in singing w/ CCS is welcome to join informal performance of choruses from Handelâs Messiah (sheet music included with admission); 800/555-5250.