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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Different Opinion Of The President



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To the Editor:

It is with amazement I read the letter from a reader in the July 26 edition of The Bee praising Joe Biden’s “accomplishments.” Here is a quick review.

1. Rampant inflation causing millions to suffer financial insecurity.

2. Open borders. Allowing terrorists to enter unchecked and other illegals to murder and assault American citizens.

3. Foreign policy of appeasement bringing us to the brink of World War 3, terrorism in the mid-east, the resurgence of the Taliban, and the distinct possibility of war between China and Taiwan.

4. Weaponization of the criminal justice system resulting in elderly women being put in jail for praying at an abortion clinic while letting Antifa rioters off without consequence.

5. Promotion of the continued slaughter of unborn babies up to the moment of natural birth.

6. The encouragement of the mutilation of confused children due to transgender surgery without any parental involvement.

The list can go on and on but I think my point is made. Joe Biden leaves office after 50 years in politics as the most corrupt, vile, political liars in the history of this country. He is a disgrace and his replacement, Kamala Harris, is no better.

Ernest Vitarbo


A letter from Ernest Vitarbo.
Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. tscinto says:

    Well said.

  2. ryan knapp says:

    Biden was supposed to be a moderate Democrat, where as Kamala was considered the far-Left progressive candidate in 2019.

  3. tomj says:

    The one thing that has united both parties is that everyone is glad President Joe Biden has stepped out.

  4. newtown29 says:

    As opposed to the President before him that was twice impeached, a convicted felon, a sex offender, committed fraud, and is racist. Did I forget anything? We are the laughing stock of the world to allow someone like this to run for President again. Too much Fox News.

    1. qstorm says:

      Way too much MSNBC.

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