Second Session Of SMART Begins
The second week of Newtown Continuing Education’s SMART (Summer Music and Art) Camp, July 22 to 26, offered a range of classes for students to take.
The camp is held at Head O’ Meadow Elementary School. According to a description from Newtown Continuing Education, SMART Camp is for students exiting kindergarten to sixth grade, and it offers “creative arts, theater, science, and more, with a staff of professional artists and teachers.” Campers rotate through classes each day.
By the fourth day of the second session, July 25, students in the Animals of Land and Sea class had created their own tiny creations from different materials.
In the Studio Art class, students were busy working to create a night sky painting under the guidance of instructor Maureen Molinaro. She showed students how to use a toothbrush with white paint to sprinkle “stars” on a black piece of paper.
Camilla Hanson, 8, said she thought the project was “really cool.” Next to her, Mallory McCall, 8, said she liked the Studio Art class because “we get to do a lot of messy, crazy things.”
In the Cartooning and Manga class, students used ink to recreate images.
The final week of the second session will conclude on August 2, after this edition of the paper went to press.
For more information about Newtown Continuing Education programs, see its website,