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Board Of Finance Is Sorely Underappreciated



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Board Of Finance Is

Sorely Underappreciated

To the Editor:

I’m writing this letter in support of the Board of Finance. This is a group of Newtown officials who are sorely underappreciated! As a nonaffiliated Newtown voter I appreciate their ability to work as an apolitical committee. As a (sometimes!) emotional parent I envy the way they can remove personal emotion from their financial evaluations. They are a level-headed group who rely on facts to provide rational, well thought out recommendations. I’m proud that these dedicated individuals represent the interests of Newtown residents.

It seems that every week or so there is a letter to the Hive disparaging these hardworking nonpaid elected officials. One letter this past week focused on the board’s perceived lack of involvement in Fairfield Hills [“Where Was The Finance Board On Fairfield Hills?” 7/24/09]. The writer seems to infer that the BOF chose to turn a blind eye to the financial review involved with the FFH project. I respectfully disagree. Based on BOF videotaped meetings, I saw many elements which were brought up to the Legislative Council and first selectman — the parties who ultimately retained control over the FFH project process. I seem to recall that the BOF was the first to bring to light the issue at FFH regarding the NYA parking lot concerns, among other elements. Perhaps there is some confusion on the role the BOF is able to take in this situation which prompted the letter? My understanding is that the BOF’s role was to make recommendations to the Legislative Council and first selectman. Ultimately it was their call on how to proceed with those recommendations.

Please know that I don’t mean my last comment as a putdown to our first selectman or our Legislative Council. I truly appreciate all of the time and effort that our elected officials put in each and every day. It’s a tough job being a public servant — I don’t know that I could stand such scrutiny. I’m also not trying to pass the buck. I just feel that the BOF often seems to get a bum rap in this town. I’m not sure why, but I guess it’s always easier to play Monday morning quarterback and put the players down who are making the tough decisions in the moment. My hope is that the negativity that I have seen displayed on the pages of the Letter Hive does not sour the BOF members from continuing to seek public office in our town. I know our community would ultimately suffer without them.


Donna Solomons

119 Alberts Hill Road, Sandy Hook                               July 29, 2009

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