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An Endorsement For The Board Of Finance



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An Endorsement

For The Board Of Finance

To the Editor:

At the Republican Party Caucus on Tuesday night, the 28th of July, our local Republican Party unanimously voted to cross-endorse all current members of the Board of Finance, Republican and Democrat, for reelection on November 3. The same action was taken by the Democratic Town Committee in their caucus and serves as the ultimate vote of bipartisan confidence in a team that has served the town well. I was fortunate to be serving on the Board of Selectmen when we conducted interviews for the BOF as it was being originally formed. It was a bumper crop of talented, insightful volunteers that we met with then, and quite honestly feel honored that they want to continue serving the town. It is a group that has provided objective checks and balances to local taxpayers and town officials. Since the creation of the Board of Finance, Newtown has benefited from two bond rating increases and has savings of hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in debt service. While we realize Election Day is around 100 days away, it is not too early to recognize and support the hard-working volunteers on the Board of Finance and recognize their efforts and integrity.


Bill Brimmer

RTC Chairman

8 Hattertown Road, Newtown                                         July 29, 2009

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