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Okay, it's almost time to panic. The Bee's Back-to-School Supplement, including all the school bus routes for this fall, is due out next week. There's not much time left for summer relaxation. We're just a month away from Labor Day, when lazi



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Okay, it’s almost time to panic. The Bee’s Back-to-School Supplement, including all the school bus routes for this fall, is due out next week. There’s not much time left for summer relaxation. We’re just a month away from Labor Day, when laziness loses its summer excuse.

Right on cue, the Newtown Juniors have launched their fourth annual backpack program to be sure every child starts school with a backpack and school supplies, even if their family income is limited. Last year the program helped 80 children. So far the Juniors have raised $600 of the more than $1,500 needed this year. To help, send a check to NJWC, PO Box 217, Botsford 06404, or call program coordinators Anna Wiggers, 270-8208, or Skye Koehler, 270-1677. Without the community’s support, this program will not be successful in helping a child get a great start back to school.

Peggy Baiad stopped by the office this week to order a classified ad for the tag sale she is planning this weekend. Peggy says she has been spending a lot of time in her basement getting ready for the big event, and has uncovered a lot of treasures including gifts received in her wedding 35 years ago.  “Anyone need a 35-year-old set of martini glasses, the pitcher and stirrer – never used?” she quipped. “I hear they are coming back into style.”

Joanne Zang reported that one of the volunteers who is sorting and pricing books for the annual Labor Day book sale found a gift certificate in one of the books. They couldn’t read the signature on the gift certificate, so the store couldn’t identify the owner. Anyone who is missing a gift certificate from the Danbury Mall should call Joanne at 426-5413, and identify the store and the amount, to claim it.

 As a student of golf, The Bee’s sports editor Kim Harmon has seen it all on or around the greens of area golf courses. But when he went to play golf with his brother in Plainville last weekend Kim had quite a surprise. Kim hit his ball into a sand trap by the green (of course, that is not the surprise), and as he was practicing his shot out of the sand, five yellowjackets attacked and stung him. He dropped his sand wedge and ran, his arm smarting in pain. He realized he was going to have to go back into the trap to get his club, and he tried to snare it with another club from a safe distance –but to no avail. The yellowjackets had his number, and they stung him once more for good measure.

Quassy Amusement Park was the place to be Tuesday night if you are a Republican. Hundreds of people turned out for the statewide GOP fundraiser, including Governor John Rowland and Lieutenant Governor Jodi Rell. Among those Republicans from Newtown were first selectman candidate Owen Carney, Joe McGowan, and Doug Rogers. Waterbury Mayor Phil Giordano (aka “Mayor Who?” among Republicans) sent his regrets.

A steady stream of taxpayers filed into the tax collector’s office to pay their taxes – so many, in fact, that Tax Collector Carol Mahoney was forced to set up a satellite office in the hallway. Carol sat out there at a desk with calculator in hand.

First selectman candidate Barry Piesner (NICE Party) was at Edmond Town Hall Monday morning saying that he was there to test out the fit of the first selectman’s chair. Barry was joking of course. He knows he has a lot of running to do before he sits.

Speaking of the first selectman’s office, both Jan Andras and Mary Kelley had to hold on tight this week as drilling inside the building rattled the walls, nearly throwing the two from their chairs.

Congratulations to Newtown’s Babe Ruth 10-year-old girls’ travel softball team, which captured the New England Regional title in Rhode Island this past weekend. The week before, the team won the state title. On Sunday, the Hawks (as they are called) received a visit from a real-life mascot that circled the field overhead. Usually an ominous sign, the hawk actually helped turn the tide as Newtown rallied to defeat Stamford in the finals. It was the third such visit from the hawk, which also turned up at three other games, giving Newtown a boost in each.

The Chamber of Commerce of Newtown held its annual golf outing at Newtown Country Club last Thursday afternoon. In the best-ball scramble, the foursome of Joe Humeston, John Martocci, Len Volpe, and Bob Volpe walked away with honors, shooting an 8-under par for the day. The group birdied six of the first eight holes. By the way, Len and Bob are not related.

Also at the golf event, Joan Crick won a prize for being closest to the pin on the eighth hole and Jim Crick was closest to the line on the seventh.

   At The Newtown Bee, the editorial staff understands that the news doesn’t fall in its lap each week. You’ve got to get out there. Occasionally, however, the news comes to The Bee’s doorstep… literally. On Wednesday, a 1986 minivan caught on fire in front of newspaper’s Church Hill Road offices, sending reporters, editors, production, and office staff running to catch the scoop.

The new restrooms at Dickinson Park are slowly going together, bit by bit. Before long, residents will have modern toilet facilities adjacent to the picnic pavilion and tennis courts. The park gets its share of public use during the summer, with many mothers with their children in tow participating in the many park programs.

Motorists no longer are allowed to drive from Elm Drive onto Country Club Road. Only westbound traffic is now allowed on the section of Country Club Road between the Newtown Country Club parking lot and Elm Drive. The Police Commission has altered traffic flow as a safety measure. Signs are now posted at the intersection of Elm Drive and Country Club Road informing motorists not to enter Country Club Road there.

Sometimes when I drive southbound on Elm Drive and look to the right, I do a double-take, reminding myself that new ball fields are under construction there, not the Great Pyramid at Giza.

Newtown Youth Services Program and Parent Education Coordinator Roseanne Loring and her husband Jim just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on July 31. The two traveled to Barbados for a little R&R. I guess after 30 years the two deserve a little vacation.

August is a birthday month for many of the workers at Newtown Youth Services. Director Debbie Richardson had a birthday August 2, Program and Parent Education Coordinator Roseanne Loring’s birthday is August 3, Office Manager Anita Arnold celebrates on August 9, Parent Education & Counselor Tracy Roberts has a birthday August 14, and Program Staff Kelly Clark will have a birthday August 17. Happy Birthday ladies!

Newtown Superintendent of Schools John Reed reported back to work this week after a much deserved vacation. He made it back just in time to begin his annual evaluation with the Board of Education. He got high marks for being well rested.

While a chemistry room was flooding at Newtown High School July 13, Newtown Public Schools Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds Dominic Posca was on a cruise. I’m sure the only thing the two have in common is the water aspect, but bad luck seems to travel around on any Friday the 13th. Of course Mr Posca enjoyed his vacation, but there is always work to come back to.

Which reminds me, I have to get back to work, but be sure to…

Read me again.

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