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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Who’s That Bee: Kathy Ronan



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“Who’s That Bee?” was a column originally launched in early spring 2019 that introduced readers to the staff members at Bee Publishing Company, one person at a time. Each person shared what they did around the work place along with a “fun fact” about themselves. The column continued for a year before it was derailed due to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Since the column never ended up covering everyone, “Who’s That Bee?” is returning and will finish putting a face to the names in the bylines and to those who work behind the scenes to bring the news to the community every week.

Name: Kathy Ronan

Position: Copy Editor

Duties: I read through every article in The Newtown Bee looking for typos, grammatical issues, clarity of content and inaccuracies, and reach out to the person who wrote the article and work with them to correct it.

Fun Fact: I lived on a naval base in Sicily from the ages of 5-7 and used to speak fluent Italian.

Kicking off the revival for “Who’s That Bee” is Copy Editor Kathy Ronan. —Bee Photo, Hicks
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