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Don't Abandon Principles



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Don’t Abandon Principles

To the Editor:

 In the July 22, 2011, issue of “Editorial Ink Drops: Reality-Based Budgeting” you write “There are times when we all must stand on principle, and there are times — especially times of crisis — when we must consider abandoning that perch to stand on common ground....” It is my opinion that we got into the current budget mess by abandoning the principles upon which this country was founded. Further, it is precisely during times of crisis when we must return to our principles if we hope to extricate ourselves from the crisis and return to the glory that this country and its people are capable of.

The root of the economic crisis lies in the shift that has taken place over the past five decades or so that government will provide the solution to all of our problems, not the creative, entrepreneurial spirit of the people who produce quality goods, services, and jobs. Socialism is predicated on the concept that the masses are too stupid to take care of themselves, so the government needs to do it for them. Entrepreneurial capitalism is based on the premise that there is no more powerful force in the universe than the human mind. Greece, here we come!

Robert DeBlasio

8 Melody Lane, Newtown                                                  July 25, 2011

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