A Quick Response
A Quick Response
To the Editor:
On Thursday, July 21, I called the Highway Department around 10:30 am and spoke to Justine Sumple to report a potentially dangerous road condition on Head of Meadow Road located about 110 yards from Boggs Hill Road. I had just finished going for a walk/run.
I explained that the road surface looked perfect to anyone driving or walking over the surface. However, a large hole was developing under the edge of the road due to an opening in the curbing and water erosion. Normally a washout like this would be easy to see, but the heavy growth of poison ivy and other ground cover was hiding the hole. This hole was about 18 inches deep and extended almost two feet toward the center of the road. A cave-in was only a matter of time.
This morning, Friday, July 22, I went for a short run, and found that the section of roadway had been fixed. The cavernous hole had been filled in with a mixture of stone and stone dust.
Thanks to all who promptly fixed the problem on one of the hottest days of the year. A job well done!
Bernie Zailskas
31 Boggs Hill Road, Newtown                                        July 22, 2011