Use Batchelder Site For A Solar Farm
To the Editor:
My wife and I own a second home in Bethel, N.Y. and last year the town of Bethel offered all of its residents a great opportunity to sign up for community solar generated electricity.
This power is produced by a solar field installed via a partnership with the town and a solar company that specializes in converting landfills or brown field sites.
With climate change and record temperatures ravaging the country, wouldn’t this be a great idea for our Town Leadership to look into?
We have a 30-acre site that has been remediated by the EPA on Swamp Road (the former Batchelder site) that could be a great solution for this vacant, town-owned property.
It is time for all of us to find ways to help with climate change and every community should be thinking of common sense solutions.
Thank you.
Gavin Arneth
Sandy Hook
Editor’s Note: The Newtown Bee has been reporting on the prospect of utilizing the Batchelder site for a solar farm for years, and we strongly support the suggestion if it becomes workable.