Selectman Candidate Says Thanks
To the Editor:
In a show of pride and unity, solidarity presented itself on July 25 at the Newtown Republican Town Committee Caucus.
First, I would like to thank the members of the Republican party for an amazing turnout at the caucus. To see so many individuals come to the caucus and be engaged in the procedure and evening speaks so much about the election process in this Town and Country.
Second, I am grateful to have been voted by the individuals present at the caucus to be the Republican party Second Selectman Candidate for Newtown.
The party in an overwhelming fashion endorsed Jeff Capeci to be the First Selectman Candidate. I cannot say enough about how Jeff will help guide this town into the future. As his running mate, the slate presented will offer the best choice to the voters of Newtown as we transition to a new beginning.
I thank all for being there at the caucus.
More importantly, I look forward to working with Jeff, the party, and all the citizens of Newtown. I thank the Republican Party for nominating and endorsing me for the Selectman position. It is truly humbling to be able to give back to the Town that I have called home for over 45 years.
John S. Madzula II, Esq