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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Climate Change — Be Very Worried



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To the Editor:

Below are recent comments from various sources on the climate crisis that I believe support the “Inconvenient Truth” Al Gore warned us about years ago.

One — This summer — even with extraordinary heat — is likely to be one of the coolest of the rest of your life.

Two — Unless the world rapidly stops burning fossil fuels, these events will become even more common, and the world will experience heat waves that are even hotter and longer-lasting.

Three — 07/06/2023. John F. Kerry, our nation’s first Special Presidential Climate Envoy, noted that the world’s population will not be tenable in 2050, when it is projected to hit nearly ten billion.

Four — Energy ministers from the group of 20 nations meeting in India recently, failed to agree on a roadmap to phase down the use of fossil fuels in the global energy mix. A final statement after the meeting did not even mention coal, a major contributor to global warming. The dirty fuel is a key energy source for India and China.

Five — Climbing temperatures in places like Death Valley are not some kind of natural wonder for a bucket list. They are part of a spiraling, unnatural human disaster caused by our own ongoing pollution of the atmosphere that sustains life on this planet.

Six — As long as we have AC I think it’s tolerable.

I seriously question whether our world can be saved without radical changes in individual lifestyles on a global basis. I am very worried and not confident there will be a timely solution.

Steve Bennett


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1 comment
  1. qstorm says:

    The planet will be fine. The people – not so much.

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