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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

What Is Life Now Like For Residents? Show Us



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Submit photos of “life now” for possible publication in The Newtown Bee.

The Newtown Bee is asking local residents to submit photos and descriptions of their life, whether home or abroad. Submissions will run as space allows in an upcoming edition.

This will be an ongoing featured item in the pages of The Newtown Bee. The local newspaper has been chronicling town happenings since 1877, and, with the help of residents, we hope to capture today’s changing world through these submitted images.

The deadline to submit photos for each week’s paper is Wednesday at noon. To submit a photo, e-mail the image to reporter Eliza Hallabeck, eliza@thebee.com, with a brief description, including the names of those pictured.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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