VBS At GFC, August 10-14
Grace Family Church, 174 Mt Pleasant Road, is offering SonSpark Labs Vacation Bible School during the week of August 10-14.
Sessions will run from 9 am until 12:30 pm daily. The program is open to children ages 4 to those who have just completed the sixth grade.
In this year’s VBS, a program of Gospel Light, children will explore God’s life-changing plans as they find out the answers to life’s most important questions. They will discover that God loves them and that through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s plan for everyone, according to Gospel Light’s website.
With age-appropriate bible stories, experiments, games, crafts, snacks and songs, each session of SonSpark Labs VBS involves children in exploring an amazing aspect of God’s plan. SonSpark Labs has children engaged and eager to learn from the moment they arrive each morning. Leaders and volunteers of all ages will lead the five-day special event.
Cost is $15 per child for the full week. Registration can be done online through the church’s website, gracect.org. Families do not need to be members of Grace Family Church for their children to participate in its Vacation Bible School program.
For additional information, call 203-270-1005, extension 10.