Time To End The Circus
Time To End The Circus
To the Editor:
According to reports from the US Labor Department, the federal government and states made overpayments to the tune of $14 billion in benefits during fiscal 2011. That number equates to 11 percent of all jobless benefits paid out. It is a never-ending saga of government waste. Overpayments, mismanagement, incompetency, corruption, the list and size continue to grow. The federal government, looking out for you! Washington knows how to do one thing and that is flush tax dollars away.
Last year, the Campaign to Cut Waste was started with Vice President Biden at the helm. It was an initiative to cut overpayments at federal agencies. It looks like things are progressing as expected. Now, are we to believe that our government is going to do a great job and manage our health care? This will be yet another excuse to grow the government bigger. That growth means more government bureaucrats which will lead to more overpayments, mismanagement, incompetency, and corruption.
Wake up America. The two political parties in Washington are divisions of the same criminal party. They are the two heads of the same snake. Our economy is a system and it is a broken system. What has the Bush tax cuts done for the so-called job creators? Where are those shovel-ready jobs, President Obama? Today, corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash and they are not hiring. Washington is a cesspool of corruption! The American taxpayer needs to wake up because the federal government isnât looking out for you! America is headed down the same path as Greece. It is the same politics (too much spending not enough revenue, corruption, dysfunction, and mismanagement to name a few) same rhetoric (QE1, QE2, bailout after bailout) but Washington has the answers! Washington has created this mess and they have made sure that they live and play by another set of rules. Our leaders are blinded by politics. Special interest groups have way too much influence. Our civil liberties are being taken away.
This administration continues to spend, spend, spend... increased welfare, more freebies, handouts all for your vote! Future generations are on the hook for the bill. Back in the 1960s the government created welfare and food stamps so people could get out of poverty. It is now 50 years later, trillions of dollars have been spent, and weâre no better off as a country than we were before. One in every six Americans is poor. Not many in Washington are looking past the next election because they are worried about losing their seats from the Oval Office on down. Time to end the circus and send all the clowns home! In 2008 it was âHope and Change.â In 2012 âChange is our only Hope.â
Rich Narel
18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                         July 25, 2012