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A Basic Human Right



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A Basic Human Right

To the Editor:

Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act.

1. Affordable Care Act improved benefits for seniors under Medicare Part D Prescription program by starting to close the “donut hole.”

2. Insurers may not discriminate against children based on preexisting health conditions.

3. Insurers cannot impose lifetime caps on insurance coverage.

4. Young adults up to age 26 can stay on their parents’ employer-sponsored health insurance plans.

5. In 2014 low-income adults with income up to 133 percent of the Federal Poverty Level will be able to gain coverage in Connecticut through the Medicaid program.

People without insurance will not have to go to the emergency room, which we pay for.

All other industrial countries have health care for all their people. United States of American must join them.

Our daughter volunteers at Kevin’s Community Center, a health clinic in Newtown, which provides free health care to uninsured or underinsured residents in area towns. It is surprising to note that a significant percentage of people in these Fairfield County communities have come to “Kevin’s” for assistance at one time or another. Many of them have not seen a doctor for years. People are out of work or their jobs do not offer health care coverage.

Is it wrong for these people to be denied a basic human right?

Very truly yours,

Mary Adams and Melkon Adams

41 Elizabeth Circle, Sandy Hook                             July 19 2012

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