'Unity In Diversity' Programs Preview
Unity in Diversity can be viewed on Charter Community Vision (Channel 192) each Monday at 12:30 pm and again on Wednesday at 5:30 pm. This program features interviews with prominent pastors, rabbis, imams and other spiritual leaders of a variety of faith traditions..
Programs for the coming weeks are as follows: July 27 and 29, Kevin’s Community Center of Newtown, with Founder and Director Michael Taweh, MD; and August 3 and 5, the Reverend Laura Westby, former pastor, First Congregational Church of Danbury; August 10 and 12, Pastor Gregory Wismar, former pastor, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Newtown; August 17 and 19, Dr Paul Beavers, Pastoral Care Department, Danbury Hospital; and August 24 and 26, the Reverend David Bertaume, pastor, The Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Host of this series is the Reverend Leo McIlrath, Dmin, coordinator of the Corpus Connecticut Community and Ecumenical Chaplain to the Lutheran Home of Southbury. Viewers are invited to respond to the programs at lionofjudah56@gmail.com.