This blacker-than-black comedy follows the Cain-and-Abel-like battles of two brothers, Coleman and Valene, a young priest -Father Welsh - who attempts to reconcile the brothers, and a flirtatious young parishioner - Girleen - who finds hersel
This blacker-than-black comedy follows the Cain-and-Abel-like battles of two brothers, Coleman and Valene, a young priest âFather Welsh â who attempts to reconcile the brothers, and a flirtatious young parishioner â Girleen â who finds herself in love with Welsh. Itâs like The Odd Couple only with murderous tempers and guns.
Directorial duties are being handled by Richard Pettibone.
The auditions will be held at TheatreWorks New Milford on Monday, August 4, and Tuesday, August 5, from 7 to 9 pm both nights.
Age ranges for the men are 30s to 40s; the woman is 18 to early 20s. Irish accents are a must for this production.
The audition will consist of readings from the script. For more information and character breakdowns visit All roles are available and both professionals and amateurs are welcome. Actors and directors at TheatreWorks are volunteers and no pay is given.
Rehearsals will begin in late August, usually Monday through Thursday evenings, with performances beginning September 26 and running through October 18 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
TheatreWorks is an award-winning non-Equity company of volunteer professionals located at 5 Brookside Avenue, just off Route 202 (next to M&Bâs IGA) in New Milford, CT. Contact the theater, 860-350-6863, for additional information.