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One of those bills vetoed by Govenor Jodi Rell, the SustiNet health care reform plan, would actually end up saving our state millions of dollars and create thousands of jobs.



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One of those bills vetoed by Govenor Jodi Rell, the SustiNet health care reform plan, would actually end up saving our state millions of dollars and create thousands of jobs.

Connecticut’s economy is struggling, unemployment is rising, health care costs continue to skyrocket, and more state residents are going without health care coverage. The number of uninsured in our state is more than the combined populations of New Haven, plus Hartford, plus Middletown, plus New London. And most of us with insurance are just a lay-off, a divorce, or a serious illness away from un-insurance.

PA 09-148, the “SustiNet” bill, will give us all economic and health care “peace of mind.” None of us will ever again be without quality, affordable health care. And for each dollar invested by the state, Connecticut employers and employees will save $2.80 in health care costs. That means more jobs for our state and more money in all of our pockets.

Let’s hope that our elected representatives say “no” to delay and excuses and “yes” to an override of the veto on the SustiNet health care reform bill.

Bob Slate

290 Pratt Street, Meriden                                                July 16, 2009

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