Overdevelopment In Sandy Hook Center
To the Editor:
As residents of Sandy Hook, we oppose the high density River Walk condominium proposal currently under review with Planning and Zoning. While no protest was raised over the original 24-unit proposal (and subsequently approved), the new petition for 74 housing units (three levels) with 15 units set aside for affordable housing, will not only set a dangerous precedent for the Sandy Hook area, but will also negatively impact the already overburdened traffic flow, property values, parking, pose potential environmental concerns (that are never recognized until it’s too late)… the list goes on and on.
Sandy Hook has already been the unhappy recipient of the Edona condominiums with another threat looming on Walnut Tree of over 300 apartments (also under the affordable housing regulations). While affordable housing is needed, and mandated by the state, there is no reason to have three complexes in such a tight radius. And while intensification is unavoidable, it must be done with respect to existing residents and in harmony with the local built environment, not just at the whim of what developers want.
The Village already has surfaced with issues, re: parking availability. During the Duck Race, cars were lining both sides of Church Hill Road up to the 84 ramp… an extremely dangerous situation as this is a high traffic state road with individuals opening their car doors directly into the middle of the road and walking down the same constricted path with strollers and children. Is this what we can expect on a daily basis with the addition of 74 housing units dropped right at the juncture of Washington and Church Hill?
SHOP members have aggressively supported this initiative citing the need for more traffic into their stores, but at what cost to residents? While the business owners lock their doors at 5 pm, we, as residents, will have to live with this development 24/7. Simply put, the buildings are too tall with too many units.
Please make your voices heard at the August 6 Town Planning and Zoning Meeting which will be open for public comment. Also, signatures would be appreciated on the ipetition located at ipetitions.com/petition/oppose-river-walk-high-density.
Thank you,
Victoria Drought
Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook
Lincoln & Jean Sander
Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook
Robert Karl, Sr
Washington Street, Sandy Hook July 21, 2015