NCAC Announces Grant For Local Artist, Organization
The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission will be awarding two grants of up to $1,000 each within the next few months.
One grant will be awarded to an individual artist living in Newtown and one grant to an arts organization based in Newtown.
The individual grant recipient must be at least 16 years of age. Visit for a complete application. Those applying will be asked to submit an art related resumé, and a sample of their work according to field of study; details are outlined online.Newtown Cultural Arts Commission’s website
In addition, two letters of support by professionals who are knowledgeable in the art discipline of the applicant’s choice must also be submitted. Applicants whose request includes a study opportunity or workshop will also be asked to include information about that opportunity and the instructor.
Applicants must agree to an interview by the NCAC Project Grant Selection Committee requests one.
All applications should be mailed or delivered to Newtown Cultural Arts Commission, Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT 06470.
Completed applications and supporting documentation must be postmarked after July 30, and no later than August 15, 2014. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. No e-mail applications will be considered.
NCAC will contact the grant awardees by letter, as well as on the commission’s website and in local media on or before September 1.
Questions may be e-mailed to Commission Chairman Laura E. Lerman at
Family members of Newtown Cultural Arts Commissioners and/or NCAC Project Grant Selection Committee members are NOT eligible to apply.