Library Can Address Learning Loss
To the Editor:
Regarding Mr Knapp’s “Letter Hive” suggestion last week to use ARP funds to address learning loss, please consider the C.H. Booth Library as a potential solution to this issue.
The library already serves as a meeting place for students and teachers and has been for decades. Parents, tutors, and students are comfortable meeting and learning in the many inviting, quiet spaces available on all three levels of the library. The library is open 60+ hours per week, including evenings and weekends.
Extensive collections of children’s books across all disciplines and at every reading level K-12 provide ready resources for both tutors and students. These resources are free to all. In addition to print resources, the library offers downloadable ebooks and audio books, and patrons can borrow laptops, iPads, Chromebooks, hot spots and more.
The library has the best Wi-Fi signal in town for connectivity. One-on-one tutoring is a proven method for helping students succeed, and we see much activity on math and literacy (comprehension and retention). Newtown students deserve the best and that is what the library strives to provide.
With a few simple administrative steps the library can effectively administrate this program.
Douglas C. Lord
Director — Cyrenius H. Booth Library