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A Chance To Meet Author Of 'Thy Kingdom Come'



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A Chance To Meet Author Of ‘Thy Kingdom Come’

WOODBURY — Local author Randall Balmer will autograph copies of his latest book, Thy Kingdom Come: An Evangelical’s Lament, from 1 to 3 pm on Saturday, July 29, at More Good Books in Barclay Square, at the intersection of Routes 64 and 6.

In his book Mr Balmer laments the loss of the progressive traditions of 19th Century evangelical Christianity (abolition of slavery, universal suffrage, and public education) and today’s rise of the influence of the political right on contemporary Christianity in America. In Thy Kingdom Come Mr Balmer calls for Christians to reclaim the true principles of their faith.

Randall Balmer is a professor of American religious history at Barnard College, Columbia University, and a visiting professor at Yale Divinity School. He is editor at large for Christianity Today. One of his previous books, Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture in America, was made into a PBS documentary. Mr Balmer and his wife live in Woodbury.

For additional information about the book signing call 263-8090.

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