Campers Showcase Their 'SMARTs'
The first session of Newtown Continuing Education's SMART (Summer Music and Art) Camp came to a close with a celebration of campers' talents on July 13.Who's Afraid of the Dark? The play was performed for parents near the end of the showcase. According to Ms Anderson, the play followed the story of young and older siblings. The younger siblings were told by their older siblings that they could not go to camp. The younger siblings decide to play a prank on the older siblings while ghost stories are being shared. In the end, all of the siblings learn the lesson that everyone is afraid sometimes, and that is okay. Everyone "makes up" by the end of the play, she said.More information about Newtown Continuing Education's summer offerings is available on its website,, or by calling 203-426-1787 between 9 am to 1 pm, Monday to Friday.
The first session of the camp began on July 2. The second session runs July 16 to 27.
SMART Camp is for students exiting kindergarten to sixth grade. Each session offers a range of classes that students rotate through during the day. Classes cover topics like theater, creative arts, science, and more, according to Newtown Continuing Education. The SMART Showcase on July 13 had creations the campers made throughout the first session on display in classrooms.
Parents arrived just after noon on July 13 to tour the classrooms and pick up all of the creations. SMART Camp instructors Sean Watkins and Emily Anderson, who co-teach the Theater and Performance class, readied their students on July 13 to perform a student-written play called
A SMART Showcase is also planned for July 27, the end of the second session.