Fire Reports | July 6-19, 2017
The dispatchers at the Newtown Emergency Communications Center at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, report the following fire calls and the responders:Thursday, July 6: 8:32 am, alarm, 14 Prospect Drive, Hook & Ladder and Botsford responded; 1:01 pm, initial report of a structure fire which was actually a furnace problem, 28 Farm Field Ridge Road, Sandy Hook, Botsford, Hawleyville, and Hook & Ladder responded; 2:21 pm, alarm, 8 Quarry Ridge Road, Sandy Hook and Botsford responded; 3:12 pm, alarm, 176 Mt Pleasant Road, Hawleyville and Hook & Ladder responded.Friday, July 7: 2:39 pm, wires down, near 16 Settlers Lane, Botsford responded; 2:48 pm, alarm, 30 Taunton Lake Drive, Hook & Ladder responded; 3:16 pm, motor vehicle accident, intersection of Berkshire Road and Jordan Hill Road, Sandy Hook responded; 3:32 pm, wires down, near intersection of Valley Field Road South and Old Green Road, Sandy Hook responded; 7:11 pm, investigation, 301 South Main Street, Botsford responded.Saturday, July 8: 8:36 am, wires down, near 109 Taunton Hill Road, Dodgingtown responded; 9:02 am, wires down, near 132 Taunton Hill Road, Dodgingtown responded; 11:02 am, alarm, 58 Sugar Lane, Hook & Ladder responded; 1:57 pm, alarm, 16 Orchard Hill Road, Botsford responded; 2:06 pm, public service, 144 Mt Pleasant Road, Hawleyville responded.Sunday, July 9: 12:36 am, hazardous condition, near 25 Pearl Street, Sandy Hook responded; 9:09 am, investigation, 21 Saw Mill Road, Hawleyville responded; 12:21 pm, wires down, near 135 Hanover Road, Hook & Ladder responded; 12:23 pm, wires down, near 19 Farrell Road, Hawleyville responded; 2:13 pm, public service, 2 Farrell Road, Hawleyville responded.Monday, July 10: 12:46 pm, motor vehicle accident, South Main street near Bryan Lane, Botsford and Hook & Ladder responded; 3:47 pm, brush fire, near 365 South Main Street, Botsford responded; 7:17 pm, alarm, 24 Apple Blossom Lane, Hook & ladder responded.Tuesday, July 11: 7:06 am, wires down, near 3 Newbury Road, Hawleyville responded; 8:55 am, wires down, near 78 Currituck Road, Hawleyville responded; 9:14 am, public service, 7 Shadow Ridge Circle, Hawleyville responded; 2:57 pm, motor vehicle accident, near 54 Church Hill Road, Hook & Ladder responded; 3:07 pm, investigation, 5 Bungalow Terrace, Sandy Hook responded; 9:31 pm, boating accident, near 61 Algonquin Trail, NUSAR and Sandy Hook responded.Wednesday, July 12: 7:51 am, motor vehicle accident, I-84 West between Exits 11 and 10, Hook & Ladder and Sandy Hook responded; 10:10 am, public service, 3 Trades Lane, Hook & Ladder responded; 6:17 pm, hazardous condition, I-84, Hawleyville responded.Thursday, July 13: 1:10 am, mutual aid call to Bethel, Dodgingtown and Hawleyville responded; 8:53 am, investigation, 75 Cedar Hill Road, Hook & Ladder responded; 12:04 pm, motor vehicle accident, Main Street flagpole intersection, Hook & Ladder responded; 4:47 pm, wires down, near intersection of Echo Valley Road and Hanover Road, Hook & Ladder responded; 4:58 pm, wires down, near 3 Valley Field Road South, Sandy Hook responded; 5:02 pm, alarm, 11 Old Bridge Road, Sandy Hook and Botsford responded; 6:57 pm, medical assist, Eden Hill Road, Dodgingtown responded.Friday, July 14: 8:03 am, wires down, near 92 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook responded; 9:05 am, wires down, near 4 Washington Avenue, Sandy Hook responded; 3:05 pm, motor vehicle accident, I-84, Hawleyville responded.Saturday, July 15: 6:08 am, wires down, near intersection of West Street and Roosevelt Drive, Hook & Ladder responded; 12:58 pm, medical assist, Fairchild Road, Hawleyville responded; 7:51 pm, alarm, 4 Silver Brook Lane, Botsford responded.Sunday, July 16: 12:48 pm, burning odor indoors, 22 Nearbrook Drive, Botsford responded.Monday, July 17: 7:09 am, wires down, near 38 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook responded; 3:07 pm, mutual aid call to Southbury, Sandy Hook responded.Tuesday, July 18: 2:56 am, medical assist, The Old Road, Hook & Ladder responded; 9:27 am, public service, 15 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook responded; 1:06 pm, wires down, near intersection of Jeremiah Road and Pole Bridge Road, Sandy Hook responded; 7:38 pm, wires down, near 61 Pond Brook Road, Hawleyville responded.Wednesday, July 19: 9:13 am, medical assist, Mt Pleasant Road, Hawleyville responded; 12:09 pm, wires down, near 85 South Main Street, Hook & Ladder responded; 2:13 pm, alarm, 47 Cold Spring Road, Botsford responded; 4:20 pm, motor vehicle accident, I-84, Hawleyville responded; 5:47 pm, wires down, near intersection of Hanover Road and Pond Brook Road, Hook & Ladder responded; 6:43 pm, public service, Queen Street, Hook & Ladder responded.