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Top Of The Mountain



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Big congratulations this week to former Newtown resident and the new Miss Colorado 2024, Alexandra Lotko. Alexandra won a $10,000 scholarship and a custom designed necklace inspired by the original Miss Colorado crown during competition in Denver, Colo., on July 14. Alexandra, now 26, also won the People’s Choice Award last weekend and the Miss Front Line title in her home state earlier this year. Since graduating from high school in 2016, Alexandra has earned a bachelor’s degree from Clarkson University and a master of arts in teaching with a focus on elementary education from Metropolitan State University of Denver.

If she follows in the footsteps of her predecessor, Alexandra could become the next Miss America. Madison Marsh, Miss Colorado 2023, made history last year when she became the first active duty US Air Force officer to hold a state title. In January, the 22-year-old second lieutenant — who is additionally a master’s student at the Harvard Kennedy School’s public policy program — won the 2024 Miss America title. The 2025 national competition is months away, but it isn’t too early to think positive for our former fellow resident and her happiness. Wouldn’t it be something to see Madison — who crowned Alexandra last weekend at the conclusion of the Miss Colorado pageant — do the same at Miss America 2025?

If you think you keep hearing bells while doing errands around town this Saturday, you won’t be wrong. You don’t need to plan a hearing test. The Salvation Army Newtown-Bethel chapter has had such success recently with Christmas in July Red Kettle Campaigns, they’ve planned another one. Eight locations around town will be hosting red kettles and volunteer bell ringers on Saturday. Locations will vary, but the overall event will run from 8 am until 4 pm. The local unit of the Salvation Army works in partnership with the Newtown Human Services Department to address emergency needs of Newtown residents. If you drop a donation into a kettle on Saturday, know that you’re doing good for residents: 90% of the money raised from this day stays in Newtown to help those in need of assistance. Most of what is collected on Saturday will be earmarked to help school children and their families this fall. Cash, checks and credit cards will all be accepted.

State officials will be among those gathering at Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company’s main station Saturday afternoon, when they will lead a celebration to rename Bridge No 00505 — which carries Church Hill Road over I-84 — The Chief William T. Halstead Memorial Bridge. State Representative Mitch Bolinsky said last week he and others have worked hard to make this happen, and hope to see a nice gathering at the fire station for the dedication ceremony. Chief Halstead died just over two years ago, on July 8, 2022, after returning home from a fire call and then suffering a fatal heart attack. The public is invited to join his family, his fire company, and friends and former colleagues for Saturday’s celebration, which will take place at 1:30 at 18-20 Riverside Road. The ceremony will include a facsimile sign presentation and words from the late chief’s family and friends. In addition to Mitch, local and state officials planning to attend include First Selectman Jeff Capeci, State Representative Marty Foncello and State Senator Tony Hwang. Refreshments will be served, and the event is free and open to the public.

C.H. Booth Library and Newtown Cultural Arts Commission have announced a new collaboration, this one for local artists who would like to have their art included in an Open Air Art Exhibition to be presented across Fairfield Hills during September. Art must be 2-D, a laminated reproduction, and fit within an 18- by 24-inch space. Deadline to submit pieces for consideration is August 1. Interested? Contact Shari Merrill at the library (203-426-4533 or smerrill@chboothlibrary.org) or NCAC Chair Laura Lerman at 203-313-3064 or go through the Contact form at newtownartscommission.org.

NCAC also needs volunteers for the 2024 Newtown Arts Festival. Readers ages 18 and over are needed for everything from vendor load-in and/or load-out, perimeter security, and grounds and clean up crew to tent helpers, volunteer check-in, traffic control, and stage crew. If you’d like to be part of that annual three-day event, returning to Fairfield Hills September 22-24, visit newtownartscommission.org/contact. There is a space on that page dedicated to those who would like to volunteer for the festival.

Regular players of pickleball probably heard within a few hours of it being announced, but for those who are interested in joining those already involved in the popular sport on the local scene, Newtown Parks & Rec on July 11 announced open pickleball play opportunities. The two lined tennis courts and the permanent pickleball court at Treadwell Park will be available for open play on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 to 11 am. New players should note — and it can’t hurt for regulars to be reminded — the courts are marked on the quarter hours. If someone is waiting to play, the individual court must clear according to its schedule. Courts 1 and 2 change on the hour; Court 3 changes at 15 minutes past the hour; Court 4 changes at 30 minutes past the hour; and Court 5 changes at 45 minutes past the hour. The season for the Town-owned and maintained courts continues to mid-November. Happy play, everyone!

It was a sad stretch last week for fans of a classic horror movie, one of the original in-home exercise leaders, and fans of the show that made one California Zip code a household number. The deaths of Shelley Duvall, Richard Simmons and Shannen Doherty in quick succession was a little disheartening. At least one attendee of last weekend’s Edmond Town Hall Drive-In screening of The Shining appreciated the coincidental timing of that classic. I’m sure more than a few people were thinking about Duvall while watching the film.

Bev Bennett-Schaedler checked in this week to see if I would be joining her and other Friends Of Newtown Seniors (FONS) members for their Summer Soiree 2024 in a few weeks. Never one to let moss grow under her feet (because eww! Who would want to do that?!?), Bev is part of the committee organizing this new event scheduled for August 6, from 5 to 8 pm, at Aquila’s Nest Vineyard. The event is open to everyone — you don’t need be a member of that local group — who would like to enjoy a glass of wine, appetizers, live music by Solid Gold Times Two (Josie and Bob Schmidt, always a treat), and socializing with beautiful views. Cost is $24 per person and organizers would really like to hear from folks sooner rather than later. Call 203-430-0633 or 475-236-1111 or send a note to luann0570@yahoo.com to get on the guest list. If any of those appetizers feature catnip, have an extra for me, would you?

The heat this week made it difficult to stay energized sometimes. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water when it’s hot like that, stay as cool as possible, and remember to think about coming back here next week, when you can … read me again.

Newtown news and notes as told from the point of view of a cat named Mountain.
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