Breakfast For A Cause
Breakfast For A Cause
To the Editor:
It was truly a beautiful day in the Newtown neighborhood as attendees at the 14th Annual Summer Breakfast sponsored by the Newtown Chapter of Regional Hospice gathered at the Fireside Inn on June 24 to celebrate this most humanitarian cause. We wish to acknowledge those responsible for an unbelievably successful event:
To the hosts/hostesses who donned the aprons and served their guests with such charm and wit,
To Lynn Buttner, our guest speaker, who touched and inspired us all by sharing a most personal experience,
To the guests who gave so generously on behalf of the hospice ideal,
To our local businesses and individuals who so willingly offered such fantastic items for raffle prizes including Curves for Women, Ethan Allen, Friends of Hospice, Georgeâs Restaurant, Good Taste Specialty Foods, Jack Grasso of Ridgefield, Hair Company, Inn at Newtown, Karenâs Fitness Studio, Lexington Gardens, McLaughlin Vineyards, Mona Lisa Restaurant, Stacy Olszewski, Sew En Vogue of Danbury, Swenson Granite Works, Taunton Liquor, The Villa and Janice Wesselman of Redding,
To those who so unselfishly donated their time and talents including Claudia at Stop & Shop, Martene at Image One, Newtown Police Department, Mary Smith, Katie Studley, and Mallory Webb.
To all who gave of their time, energies and monies in the real sense of community spirit,
We sincerely applaud you ââ
Janet Hovious, Co-chair
Marg Studley, Co-chair
And the entire Newtown Chapter of Regional Hospice
3 Leopard Road, Sandy Hook                                          July 14, 2003