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To the Editor:

“We the people” have been sold out by both political parties. The future of our economy lies in the hands of 535 people and they are not affected by the outcome of their decisions. Big business owns them. Why don’t we see any mention of reducing Congressional benefits coming from Washington? We have made sacrifices; it is time for Washington to step up but that will not happen.

President Obama wants to take a “balanced approach” to deficit reduction with painful cuts in discretionary spending. Wake up President Obama. “We the people” have been dealing with painful cuts in discretionary spending for years!

Taxpayer-funded programs such as Social Security and Medicare wouldn’t have problems if our elected officials honored their commitment to the American people. Washington no longer represents the people. They will say and do what is necessary to get reelected. The President wants to cut $4 trillion in ten years. Why ten years? Do it on your “watch” and cut $4 trillion in the next year by doing away with all these government programs that are just wasting our money. We can start with all foreign aid! We need to get our own house in order. Charity starts at home, period! Vote out all the incumbents regardless of political party.

In 2006, Senator Obama stated, “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can’t pay its own bills.” Now the President is asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling. During President Obama’s first 19 months in office, the federal debt increased by over $2.5 trillion. Mr President, you and the two political parties are a total failure. Unrest in America is coming sooner than you think.

Rich Narel

18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                                 July 10, 2011

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