Many Made Eagle Project Bike Drive A Success
Many Made Eagle Project
Bike Drive A Success
To the Editor:
Thank you Newtown and the surrounding areas for making my Eagle Project bike drive such a big success. When I began planning my project my goal was to collect 50 bikes for the nonprofit organization, Bikes Not Bombs. This organization sends bicycles to Africa and Latin America where they are desperately needed for transportation and economic development. On June 19 I held a bike drive at the Newtown Middle School and before the event had even started I had already collected over 50 bikes and met my goal. As the day went on, Newtown residents came out in force. I had 21 volunteers working at various times, and I thank each and every one of them. We had so many bikes on the middle school lawn that Bikes Not Bombs could not fit them all into their truck and they had to come back to pick up a second load! I collected 263 bikes!
I want to thank the businesses that sponsored my event with their generous donations: in Newtown, Andreaâs Pastry Shop, The General Store, The Blue Colony Diner, Interstate + Lakeland Lumber, the Big Y, and Barbara Frey Real Estate; in Monroe, Cycle Fitness; in Bethel, Ace Hardware and in New Milford, Garyâs Rib House.
Thank you everyone. We have all made a positive impact on our world.
Zach Baudisch
Prospective Eagle Scout
8 Lone Oak Meadows, Sandy Hook                                July 11, 2011