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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Business Buzz: Holmes Fine Gardens



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Business name: Holmes Fine Gardens

Address: 5 Dusty Lane, Newtown

Owner: Dan Holmes

What is your business background? I have worked in this industry since I was a kid. I studied the science of horticulture at California Polytechnic State University and this is our 20th year in business. We learned the plant business by being in business.

What is your business’ focus? We focus on helping people with the long-term sustainability of their property, which would entail the right plant selection and design. We are also big proponents of helping people restore their landscapes, and a big push is ecological landscaping.

What is something important to you that readers know about your business? We are always striving to help people make informed decisions about their landscapes. More importantly, we strive to create really healthy and beautiful environments. We always try to utilize native plants in a stylistic way, where landscapes both function well and are aesthetically pleasing.

Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm; closed Sunday and Monday. We are always available to be contacted by email.

Website: holmesfinegardens.com/

Phone: 203-270-3331

E-mail: info@holmesfinegardens.com

Dan Holmes, owner of Holmes Fine Gardens. —Bee Photo, Baranovic
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