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Moms Are Like No Others



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To the Editor:

In response to the editorial “Mothers Like No Others,” I would like to offer a response.

The aforementioned editorial is once again a one-sided attempt to try and minimize, alienate, and exclude voices different from their own perspective. It takes aim at “some moms” in the community and the group Moms for Liberty. There certainly are some divisive and cancerous groups in this town. They have made it their mission to try and silence all opposing voices by wasting countless time and resources of town officials by abusing the Freedom of Information Act over and over.

This is all in an effort to obtain names of parents that disagree on a multitude of issues and to dox, intimidate, and harass. This is the group in town taking their cues from a “national playbook” hosting Troublemaker Trainings directly from Red, Wine, & Blue USA so that they can continue to shut down dialogue. These are the people that our citizens “need to be aware” of and how far the tentacles of this divisiveness and attempt to shut down all opposing viewpoints runs in our town.

The mention of the Southern Poverty Law Center hate group designation in the referenced editorial is laughable. SPLC is not a legitimate organization and is merely a left-wing censorship apparatus. SPLC has had to pay millions and issue public apologies to avoid defamation suits after labeling those they disagree with as hate groups.

They as well as local left-wing group The Newtown Allies use the same tactics falsely labeling those that disagree with them ideologically as hate groups, NAZIs, or anti-LGBTQ+ purposely because it stokes emotions and rallies people to their “cause.”

Moms for Liberty is a grassroots movement that started during Covid-19 when parents realized that restrictions being forced on our children were government overreach and adverse to learning and overall well-being. These moms got involved to change bad policies. We are now seeing first-hand how detrimental many of those policies were.

It led to moms being more aware of what is being taught in our classrooms, what agendas are being pushed and what is happening within our Boards of Education.

While one side of the equation seeks to exclude diverse parental views from the conversation, the other believes that parents know what is best for our children and our rights do not stop when the school day begins.

I will continue like Moms for Liberty to advocate for conservative board candidates that encourage dialogue with all parents when it comes to decisions being made in our school district.

Jennifer Nicoletti


Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. teacher_citizen says:

    The SPLC (working for civil rights since 1971) is certainly a legitimate organization that has a long history of tracking and working against extremism. They have fought and won many court cases against the KKK and Neo-Nazis. When I see the track record of the SPLC (while not perfect) next to the track record of the Moms of Liberty, I would pick the SPLC every time.

  2. tim06470 says:

    “Moms for Liberty” is far from a grass-roots organization. It’s more of an astro-turf organization. Their 2021 IRS filings show that they received more than 40% of their total revenue from just 5 individual donors.
    The founders, Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich have made all kinds of ridiculous and bigoted anti-LGBTQ comments in the media.

  3. graytiger says:

    Is ‘Troublemaker’ training a bad thing? The term ‘Troublemaker’ pays homage to the late Representative John Lewis, who inspired many with his work and sacrifices for the civil rights movement since the 1960s: “Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” When John Lewis stood up against segregation and was brutally beaten for having the audacity of registering to vote, civil rights leaders back then were called radicals and unpatriotic much like what is said about anti-racist educators today.

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