Wedding Day
Retired Newtown Bee Editor and published poet Nancy K. Crevier read the following, one of her as-yet-unpublished works, during a recent event. She graciously agreed to share it with our readers.
Do not squander love on just one day;
Savor its largeness, hoard some for a time
When it seems far away
From promises made,
As faded as the corsage
Crushed on a lapel.
Do not waste the wealth of love on these few hours,
Cherish its fullness, gather some close
To let loose when it flounders
And this day feels lost,
A mark on the calendar
That might be erased.
Do not give all of love this day;
Treasure its immensity, save some
Should jealousy occlude the eyes
With heavy veil
That will not easily
Be thrust aside.
This moment longs to lavish love,
To shake every drop from the vessel
Of the heart;
Keep a reservoir to draw upon
To ease an unexpected thirst,
One into which you can thrust your hands,
Raise them clasped,
The juiciness of love revived.
Be generous on this fine day
But do not give all of love
—Nancy K. Crevier