Outing To White Memorial Park
Outing To White Memorial Park
LITCHFIELD â Lillinonah Audubon Society is sponsoring an outing to White Memorial Park in Litchfield on Saturday, July 22. The public is welcome to participate, free of charge.
The walk will be led by Rick Martin, a birder, and Martha Cushman, a botanist, and the purpose will be to find and identify as many midsummer birds, animals, and plants as possible.
White Memorial borders on Lake Bantam and covers a wide area. The terrain is level but can be rough at times, so participants are advised to wear sturdy walking shoes or boots as well as to bring along water and a snack.
The group will be meeting at the commuter parking lot at Exit 14 off I-84 in Southbury just before 8 am, in order to leave at the top of the hour. Those who are planning to attend or who have any questions should call Mr Martin during the day at 203/778-8486 or Ms Cushman at 203/798-0477.