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School Board Suffers From Sleep Deprivation



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School Board Suffers From

Sleep Deprivation

To the Editor:

Or so it appears. Why else would they approve a school bus contract that is more expensive than the existing one? Registrar of Voters LeRaine Frampton’s new company, MLM Transportation, was either the second most expensive, or second lowest option, depending on whose accounting methods are used. Either way, second place should not win a “bid,” if that’s what was actually requested by the Board of Education.

According to The Bee’s article, “school officials said they never considered hiring another bus company...,” so what kind of bidding process is that? Ms Frampton’s new venture will cost the taxpayers $24,600 more than the existing owner/operator’s contract in its first year alone. One proposal, by First Student, came in at a half-million dollars lower than Ms. Frampton’s and pledged to use the same drivers that have been ferrying students in the past. The Board of Education should never again wonder why their budget proposals are rejected. Examples of patronage and waste like this are exactly the reason.

When Board of Education members speak of “voter confusion” at budget time, they should rest assured that is not the case. The “devastating” cuts, which occur at budget time, are manufactured to hurt students, so their parents will approve wasteful budgets right out of the box. If the Board of Education has a half-million dollars for MLM Transportation, then Discovery and fourth grade orchestra along with the other cuts ought to be reinstated while MLM’s contract is renegotiated. This is all the more reason for fresh faces on the board this election. Without sensible representation, the taxpayers will continue to vote down ineptitude. Perhaps a charter amendment to separate the town and school budget is in order. Mr Rosenthal? Senator McKinney? Representative Wasserman? That is what the taxpayers want. Ms Frampton was quoted in The Bee as being “in a little bit of shock, a little bit of tears.” Join the club.

Robert Hennessey

21 Sleepy Hollow Road, Sandy Hook                             July 9, 2003

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