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#TellTheNewtownBee On Twitter: Will you vote by absentee ballot or in person at the polls in August?



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The Newtown Bee is seeking reader input through Twitter. Periodically, we will post a question to our Twitter account (@TheNewtownBee) with #TellTheNewtownBee included in the tweet. Some responses will be featured in a later print edition of the paper.

To participate, sign in to Twitter and reply to the original #TellTheNewtownBee tweets or respond with #TellTheNewtownBee in your tweet. Then check the weekly print edition to see the community’s responses.

Last week’s #TellTheNewtownBee question was, “What is one lesson the pandemic has taught you?”

@LungCancerSux responded, “From my mom Gloria Garvin, ‘You might have to be alone, but lonely is a choice.”

@bhartgraves responded, “That people who claimed ‘All Lives Matter’ also complain about wearing a mask putting many lives in jeopardy so, as suspected, it was just a moronic rant all along.”

And @BobBrotar responded, “All Newtown Democrats support defund the police.”

The current #TellTheNewtownBee question is, “Will you vote by absentee ballot or in person at the polls in August?” Join the conversation on Twitter.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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